Profile PictureEmma Parker

Cash App Refund

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Request a refund - How to cancel a Cash App payment

Cash App payments are sent instantly to the recipient, but it's not entirely impossible for a payment to be canceled.

Reasons for canceling a payment on Cash App could vary from sending money to the wrong person to putting the wrong amount of money into a Cash App payment Refund request.

In either case, if you wish to cancel a Cash App payment you may be able to do so before the payment is issued to the recipient.

Here's how to do it.

How to cancel a Cash App payment if the option is available

1. Unlock your iPhone, iPad, or Android device and launch the Cash App.

2. On the Cash App home screen, locate and then tap on the Activity tab, which will allow you to view all of your Cash App transactions.

Tap the Activity tab to view payments sent and received on the app.

3. Once you are in the Activity tab, locate the payment that you are looking to cancel.

4. Once you identify the payment that you wish to cancel, tap on the payment and a menu with the payment details will pop up.

5. Tap on the "..." located in the top-right corner of the screen.

Tap "..." to pull up some additional options.

6. If there, select "Cancel a Payment" and press "OK" to cancel the transaction.

Select "Cancel a Payment" to cancel the Cash App payment.

If an option to cancel your payment is not available, you'll have to submit a request for refund to your payment.

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How do you request a refund?

Just in case you don’t see the option to cancel the payment because the recipient has accepted it, then you can simply ask for a refund. The process is quite simple and does not need many endeavors, so below is how you can do it.

Open the Cash App on your Smartphone- iPhone or Android. From the main screen of the Cash App, go to the Cash option present at the bottom. In the given box, enter the amount you want to request for the Cash App refund.

Select the ‘Request’ option located at the bottom left. Choose the person from whom you wish to get a refund on cash app. Enter the reason for asking the refund in the ‘Note’ box. If the other person agrees to refund your amount, he will get a pop-up for doing so.

If he agrees to it, then you have to accept the payment.

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Cash App Refund

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